Monday, October 31, 2011

Month 6

Dear Baby Dylan,

You had your half birthday this week, and just keep growing. You got your first hair cut this past month and were such a good girl, sitting in your Bumbo draped in a long adult smock. Everyone was impressed with how good you were, watching everyone else watch you and looking at your self in the mirror. Your hair did end up a little short in the front because all of a sudden you decided you were done sitting there. But now that it's had a couple weeks to grow out it looks perfect - in my opinion.

You've now mastered sitting up and rolling around, and are now trying to push yourself up on all fours (to crawl) and pull yourself up on things. Your dad had to lower your crib this month so you couldn't pull yourself out. It's fun for us to watch you sit on the floor and happily play with your toys and try to crawl - when you don't fall on your head. You've found your hair and ears and tug on them often. And are starting (slowly) to pay attention to books, and only try to eat them sometimes. You like to hear the noises animals make and now giggle when tickled.

We went with your Grammie to Washington last month to meet lots of family members you hadn't seen yet. You had lots of fun playing on the floor with your toys and smiling at everyone. Your cousin Grey also came out to visit this past and the two of you got to spend the day with Grammie and Grampie. You liked to watch Grey "furniture-walk" like a big girl. And you also got to meet your new friend Hailey, her parents went to high school with us and she was born (almost exactly) a month before you. Hopefully the two of you will grow up being good friends. 

Growth chart numbers from your 6 month doctor appointment
Weight: 18.4 pounds - 85 percentile
Height: 26.5 inches - 72 percentile
Head circumference: 17.5 inches - 95 percentile

We plan to start you on rice cereal this weekend, cant wait to see your face when you taste it for the first time.

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