Tuesday, August 30, 2011

More Dylan Photos

Received another round of photos from Tessa Lee Photography. They were taken at our house about a month.


Sunday, August 21, 2011


I'm hear, haven't forgotten about my blog just been really busy with life! I've just been adjusting to life back at work and haven't carved out time to post in a couple - 3 weeks. I'm going to TRY very hard to still post updates here twice a week. But for now here are some Dylan photos...

 I cant believe she'll already be 4 months old tomorrow! Getting to be such a big baby girl.

 Ben is now home with Baby D until he starts work in September, I always ask for a daily photo while at work, some of these are taken by him:)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

3 Months Old

Little late on this post, Dylan is almost 2.5 months old but I managed to take the photo at 2 months.


I love you so much, this past month was very special to me for many reasons. It was my last month of maternity leave so I tried to savor every moment we had together. Dad was home with us too and we did lots of fun things. We took you everywhere. You're getting to be such a big girl! Your getting really good at sitting up and have rolled over a few times.

You are have mastered the art of grabbing anything and everything you come in contact with. Toys, blankets, earrings and hair are your favorites, I'm glad you've learned this valuable skill but now I know why new moms tend to cut their hair.

The first part of the month was fun and relaxing while the second part was full of traveling. The three of us went to Minnesota to visit your great grandparents, Bob and Wilma Sellin. It was a trip of firsts for you. First plane ride, first trip to another state and first time visiting Bob and Wilma.

Then we were only home a week before taking a trip to Mt Hood for a wedding. There wasn't much snow in July but your dad made sure you touched your first snow/ice ball.