Thursday, December 29, 2011

We're Back...

Hi everyone, we got swept up with the busyness of the holiday's and now we're back. Lots of posts to come from the past month and half. 


Friday, November 18, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Dylan - Almost 7 months old

Just some photos from our night

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Dylan tried solid food for the first time last weekend. 


It took a couple tries but now she likes it

 Just in time to try some squash...


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

Dylan dressed up this year as a University of Oregon cheerleader. 
We didn't go trick-or-treating, but we did dress up for my work party.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Month 6

Dear Baby Dylan,

You had your half birthday this week, and just keep growing. You got your first hair cut this past month and were such a good girl, sitting in your Bumbo draped in a long adult smock. Everyone was impressed with how good you were, watching everyone else watch you and looking at your self in the mirror. Your hair did end up a little short in the front because all of a sudden you decided you were done sitting there. But now that it's had a couple weeks to grow out it looks perfect - in my opinion.

You've now mastered sitting up and rolling around, and are now trying to push yourself up on all fours (to crawl) and pull yourself up on things. Your dad had to lower your crib this month so you couldn't pull yourself out. It's fun for us to watch you sit on the floor and happily play with your toys and try to crawl - when you don't fall on your head. You've found your hair and ears and tug on them often. And are starting (slowly) to pay attention to books, and only try to eat them sometimes. You like to hear the noises animals make and now giggle when tickled.

We went with your Grammie to Washington last month to meet lots of family members you hadn't seen yet. You had lots of fun playing on the floor with your toys and smiling at everyone. Your cousin Grey also came out to visit this past and the two of you got to spend the day with Grammie and Grampie. You liked to watch Grey "furniture-walk" like a big girl. And you also got to meet your new friend Hailey, her parents went to high school with us and she was born (almost exactly) a month before you. Hopefully the two of you will grow up being good friends. 

Growth chart numbers from your 6 month doctor appointment
Weight: 18.4 pounds - 85 percentile
Height: 26.5 inches - 72 percentile
Head circumference: 17.5 inches - 95 percentile

We plan to start you on rice cereal this weekend, cant wait to see your face when you taste it for the first time.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

We took Dylan to the Pumpkin Patch at Lee Farms in Tualatin this weekend.

Here's our happy girl, with her matching pumpkin at, hand knitted by Grammie Sammie!

Ben, Grammie and Dylan
Dylan all bundled up
Family Photo

Dylan and Auntie B

Dylan and her first pumpkin

Dylan and Dad

Family Photo

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Month 5

**I know this post is almost a month late, but at least the photos were taken at 5 months**

Miss Dylan Lee,

You have grown up so much this past month. You have quickly learned how to sit up and play with your toys. The only downside is you now try to sit up all the time, when you are getting your diaper changed, in your car seat or half asleep. You haven’t quite learned how to go from laying down to sitting but try every day. But have mastered going from sitting to laying down gracefully and no longer quickly fall. Once on your back you’ve learned to get around  by rolling. You are clearing building the foundations for crawling and it’s very exciting.

You’ve adjusted well to day care this past month and always have a smile on your face when I drop you off in the morning and dad picks you up in the afternoon. At first you only wanted to sleep in some one’s arms but now you nap by in your crib all by yourself. We’ve also seen you hug and kiss on your friend Landon, it’s very cute to watch although you are probably too young to be kissing boys :)

You also like to play in your jumperoo, go on walks in your stroller and sit up and splash in the bath.

We went on a short trip to Denver to visit your cousin Grey from her first birthday. 

 Love Mom

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dylan's First Haircut

Dylan's had her first haircut today.

And after...her hair is pretty short in front right now, but its really nice to see those beautiful eyes!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dylan 5 months old

Dylan turned 5 months old this week. We were having lots of fun yesterday, here are some videos. 

Dylan loves to sit up, if she could sleep sitting up I think she would. 

Bath time, learning how to play in the water. Look at that smile! I love this girl.

Making Noises

We were having lots of fun making noises before bathtime last night.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Month 4

To my sweet little Baby D (your uncle Mark gave you that name, its our favorite nickname for now). You started your 4th month of life off right, with a growth spurt. We had to put away your cute 3 month size clothes and pull out the 6 month onesies, pants and dresses.

I went back to work this past month and you were home with dad every day during the week. I've been very jealous of the time you two have gotten to spend together and wish I could have spent the rest of the summer with you. Soon dad will go back to work and you'll have to start your new daycare.

You now grab and anything and everything with in reach and love to put everything in your mouth. And now like it when we hold you on our hip so you can easily move your head from side to side and see what's going on around us. Your a very observant little girl.


You smile when smiled at and like to try and sit up on your own. You still need some balancing help but am sure you'll have it figured out soon.

And you have started to cry when you don't get your way. In this photo you are crying because I took away your #4 paper. You kept putting it in your mouth. This was round two of taking your 4 month photo, I know it's only going to get more challenging from here on out, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


Dylan's four month update coming soon...Until then I leave you with a photo

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

More Dylan Photos

Received another round of photos from Tessa Lee Photography. They were taken at our house about a month.


Sunday, August 21, 2011


I'm hear, haven't forgotten about my blog just been really busy with life! I've just been adjusting to life back at work and haven't carved out time to post in a couple - 3 weeks. I'm going to TRY very hard to still post updates here twice a week. But for now here are some Dylan photos...

 I cant believe she'll already be 4 months old tomorrow! Getting to be such a big baby girl.

 Ben is now home with Baby D until he starts work in September, I always ask for a daily photo while at work, some of these are taken by him:)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

3 Months Old

Little late on this post, Dylan is almost 2.5 months old but I managed to take the photo at 2 months.


I love you so much, this past month was very special to me for many reasons. It was my last month of maternity leave so I tried to savor every moment we had together. Dad was home with us too and we did lots of fun things. We took you everywhere. You're getting to be such a big girl! Your getting really good at sitting up and have rolled over a few times.

You are have mastered the art of grabbing anything and everything you come in contact with. Toys, blankets, earrings and hair are your favorites, I'm glad you've learned this valuable skill but now I know why new moms tend to cut their hair.

The first part of the month was fun and relaxing while the second part was full of traveling. The three of us went to Minnesota to visit your great grandparents, Bob and Wilma Sellin. It was a trip of firsts for you. First plane ride, first trip to another state and first time visiting Bob and Wilma.

Then we were only home a week before taking a trip to Mt Hood for a wedding. There wasn't much snow in July but your dad made sure you touched your first snow/ice ball.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rolling OVER

While in MN last weekend Dylan was rolling over on the couch. She was on a slight incline in the video, but since we've been home she's rolled over in her crib and on the couch. She's not doing it all the time, but now we'll have to be careful where we leave her...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Fun in Minnesota

Ben, Dylan and I went to Minnesota last weekend to visit Ben's Grandparents Bob and Wilma Sellin. Thanks to Ben's aunt Cindy we had a direct flight on Delta from PDX, which made traveling with a baby much easier. 

Eating at Airport
It was very hot and muggy in MN but we had a great time visiting.

Dylan, Great Grandma Wilma and I went to Mall of America while the guys went to the casino. Dylan slept through most of it but she got some new clothes.

Back at Bob and Wilma's we played cards and visited.

Thanks again everyone who helped us get out to MN on such short notice. Dylan was very happy to get to meet her Great Grandparents.