Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dylan at 3 weeks

I took this video last week...enjoy.

Sorry the image is so small, next time I wont use my phone. 


Someone thinks all this baby gear must be for her...

She-ra in the rocker

On the changing table

Hiding in the crib

Curled up in the boppy

In the baby swing

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dylan waking up

Here's a video from last week of Dylan waking up, she's very fun to watch.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

3 Weeks Old

Dylan turned 3 weeks old on Friday. Her umbilical cord stump fell off last Wednesday night and she finally got her first real bath today and loved it. Ben goes back to work on Monday and I'll be all on my own during the day. It's been great having him around these past two weeks, luckily summer break is right around the corner.

All bundled up for her first walk
3 weeks old

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bath Time

First of many hair and sponge baths for our little one. Cant wait for her umbilical cord to fall off so she can get a real bath.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dylan's first few days

Here are some more photos from our long hospital stay

Dylan & Grandpa Doug

Dylan & Grammie

Dylan 4/23

Ben's bed for 5 nights

Dylan & Grandy

Dylan & her uncles Pat & Mark

Going home outfit

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dylan's Birth

Bringing baby Dylan into the world was quite the adventure and didn't in any way go as planned or imagined. Ben and I arrived at the hospital Wednesday April 20 at 7pm to start the induction process. Although inducing wasn't my first choice at this point our baby girl was 8 days late and we were very ready to meet her.

Throughout the night I was given two doses of a pill to 'ripen' my cervix. Before the pill I wasn't dilated and was 75% effaced and by morning not much had changed. So we started a pitocin drip around 7am. And by evening I was only slightly dilated.

We decided to then stop the Pitocin for the evening, do another round of cervix ripening pills, and get a good night sleep.

Day 2: April 21

We started the Pitocin again at 6am and around 7am the doctor broke my water. This is where the details start to get a little fuzzy. I remember the contractions progressing but not much else. Ended up getting an epidural sometime around 4pm (I think). Dilated a few more centimeters and then no progression for hours.

Our 24 hour window was shrinking, so sometime that evening we made the decision to go ahead with the C-Section. I think it was around 10pm when they started prepping me for surgery. Unfortunately I wasn't completely numb and I could feel it when they started cutting me open. The anesthesiologist quickly put me to sleep by filling the IV with a creamy liquid and Ben had to leave the room.

Dylan Lee was born on Friday April 22nd at 11:01pm. She was 8lbs 14 ounces and 21 inches long. It's not how we expected to meet our baby girl but I feel like we tried everything and were very happy for the whole process was over.

8lbs 14o

Some of the family waiting to meet Dylan

Ben got to hold her minutes later

And I met our daughter a little later in our room

Monday, May 9, 2011

Kidding Around Photography

We had another photo session with Erin at Kidding Around Photography last Thursday, here are two of my favorites.

Friday, May 6, 2011

2 weeks old

Our baby girl is two weeks old today. Typing this post one handed with miss Dylan wrapped up in my left arm. Just a short note for now, more when I have two hands to work with.