Saturday, April 30, 2011

Be back soon

I've been a little busy kissing on this new little baby...will update soon with photos and birth story, I promise.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 41

Still no baby...we've schedule an induction for this coming Wednesday night. So if she doesn't come on her own before then, we should have our baby girl on Thursday.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Master Bathroom

Still no baby and I've been up since 3am, I see a mid morning nap in my future, but for now I do have more bathroom photos.

Ben has pretty much finished our master bathroom


Eventually we'll get a glass door for the shower.
We also still need towel racks, toilet paper roll holder and some artwork, but we are ready to call it done for now.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hall Bathroom

Our hall bathroom is done!! I'm still planning on painting the wood vanity white and adding some accessories but that's going to have to wait until this summer.

Before: old tile & tub

After: new surround & tub
 I'm loving this new shower and tub, it's so easy to clean. And one handle to control both hot and cold water has been amazing!!

Never thought I would be so excited about a new toilet. This one is dual flush and hard water stain free.

Originally I wanted to replace this old mirror with something smaller and new. But we decided to frame it instead, it was such a quick inexpensive fix and I love it.

Master bathroom is also done, photos coming soon...

Thursday, April 7, 2011


We finally made it to April! Baby is officially due on the 12th, but I'm ready for her to come anytime. I'm off work, bathrooms are done, car seat installed, room ready, house clean, hospital bag packed. We're ready whenever she is.

Started my leave from work on Monday because the baby gave me carpal tunnel - that's how I'm going to refer to it from now on. And now as I type my fingers are going numb. It's not been fun, but at least I don't have to work through the pain anymore. It's been strange having so much free time, but the naps have been really really nice.

Thought it would be fun to revisit some questions I answered in week 28.

How far along? In the 40th week

Stretch marks? Oh yes, they've arrived. And surprisingly I don't care as much as I thought I would. I'm sure it'll be different once my stomach deflates and they stay. But for now I'm not stressing about it.

Sleep: Usually awake for a couple hours during the night, but I'm used it now.

Best moment of the week: Right now, husband is cooking for me even though I've been home all day. Pretty spoiled.

Movement: Yes, she rolls around all the time, but more so in the evening and it hurts. I keep telling her there is no more room for somersaults but she doesn't listen.

Food cravings: Nope not really

Gender: Still a girl…hopefully. We have a dresser full of girly clothes.

Labor Signs: A little, but nothing to get too excited about.

Belly Button in or out? totally inside out

What I miss: Being about to walk without feeling like there is a head in between my legs. And a nice cold beer:)

What I'm looking forward to: Holding this baby girl in my arms

Milestones: Official due date is less than a week away.