Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's a GIRL!!

We had our third ultrasound on December 23rd and this time the doctor was able to show/tell us it's a GIRL. Here are a few of the photos...

face peeking out from arms & elbows
Better face photo
Face yawning
2 stretched out legs

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Week 25

Wow week 25! We're quickly finishing up the 2nd trimester, these last couple months have gone by so fast. The baby is moving around a lot more and I can tell the difference between rolls and kicks (surprise kicks aren't as much fun).

Here are some belly shots in the new baby room!! Ben has been working hard the last couple weeks, walls are now textured and painted. Some decorations are scattered around and we're going to order furniture this week. Hopefully by the end of January it'll start looking like a real nursery.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ultrasound update

Good news, our next ultrasound date has been set for December 23rd, lets hope our little muchkin shows off this time.

Ben has been working on the baby room these past two weekends. The walls are now textured and primed. Next step, paint the ceiling (just white) then we'll be ready to paint a fun color and start decorating.

Ben texturing baby room walls
We've also decided to go forward with the Owl theme, that way it works for a boy or girl and we dont have to wait to paint and decorating. Here are the prints I'm going to order for the room. Colors will be based off of these and match the rest of the house nicely.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Week 22

This week we have a spaghetti squash baby. I don't know about you but that sounds really big to me. He/She has been rolling around and kicking like crazy, hopefully others will be able to feel it soon.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

21 week ultrasound

We had our second ultrasound yesterday!

Good news - baby appears healthy and growing at an average rate. Bummer news - baby kept it's legs tightly closed so we don't know yet if it's a boy or girl. I'll ask the doctor at my regular appointment Monday when we can try again.

But until then, here are some funky looking baby photos. Baby is 0.9lbs and about 7 to 8 inches long (from head to bum).

Knuckles from one hand over baby's shoulder.

Bottom of foot

Skeleton Head


Top of Head


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week 20

Week 20, half way point! These photos aren't very good and the angle is kinda funky but that camera battery was dying so I guess it's better than nothing. I felt the baby kick/move for the first time, it's been too faint for Ben to feel but he's been trying.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 19

Week 19, a large mango baby, ummm a mango smoothie sounds yummy. Baby is about 6 inches long (from head to buns) and 8 ounces. New belly photo and She-ra wanted to say "hi."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Baby Girl Room

I've been inspired by this print I found on this morning. Thinking if this baby's a girl we might have to decorate the room loosely around a peacock theme...just a thought.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 17

Week 17...a turnip? I'm enjoying these baby/produce comparisons.

I dreamt last night we had a baby boy and I couldn't figure out how to use the cloth diapers we had. Which is exactly why I've picked out ones already shaped like diapers with Velcro, dealing with those safety pins in a dream was enough to drive me crazy. We also didn't have a crib so we just put the baby in middle of a large king bed, and he kept almost rolling off, what a nightmare. That's so like me to have worrisome dreams about things on my checklist I haven't gotten to yet. I guess it's a reminder to meet with the Tidee Didee Diaper company this week.  

Monday, October 25, 2010

Baby room ideas

Here's a sneak peak at some baby decor I've been digitally collecting. Our next ultrasound is schedule for November 29th, hopefully we'll be able to tell the sex and I can start shopping for this room.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 16

Baby's now about the size of an avocado (about 5 inches), hopefully it's not green too.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Ben and I bought our first baby item last weekend. As soon as we pushed the BOB stroller around REI we were hooked. Perfect for jogging and day to day use. I really want to test it out on Spring Water Trail but dodn't want to look too crazy, guess I'll have to wait.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week 15

We're now in week 15, almost 4 months. wow. Finally got my act together and took some belly shots. "Morning" sickness is almost completely gone, and replaced with heartburn and headaches, I'll take it over vomiting any day. Now that I'm feeling somewhat back to normal looking forward to decorating for Halloween this weekend, maybe doing some yard work and watching my fantasy football team dominate against the little bro (sorry Jordan)!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We're having a baby!!

The rumors are true, we're having a baby. Our little munchkin is due April 12, 2011. That puts us at 14 weeks today and offically in our second trimester.

Here are some ultrasound photos from September 13 (end of week 10). We get to find out if our baby is a boy or girl at the 20 week ultrasound.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

30 before 30 list

I've been working on a "30 before I'm 30 list" (inspired by Nicole Balch over at Making it Lovely). The list is a combination of projects around the house, adventures and goals. Some should be very easy to accomplish, like framing (and hanging) Jordan's senior year photo. I have the photo, the frame, and even the spot picked out on the wall but for some reason two years later it's still stored away in our office. There are also some more challenging things on the list like remodeling the bathroom and refinishing the floors, but I figure 2 years and a half years is plenty of time...

1. Paint family room

2. Paint kitchen

3. New rug for living room

4. Complete art project on living room wall

5. Sand & stain hardwood floors

6. Remodel bathroom

7. Hang curtains in bedroom windows

8. Finish the garage

9. Fly somewhere first class

10. Run a half marathon

11. Visit Mexico

12. Go Camping

13. Take Ziggy to the coast

14. Finish mosaic tray

15. Finish decorating office

16. Hang Jordan’s senior photo

17. Paint fireplace (inside)

18. Do 5 pull ups in a row

19. Complete Rosetta Stone in Spanish

20. Get car detailed

21. Get baby room ready

22. Visit Crater Lake

23. Go to a Ducks Football Game

24. Visit the Portland Art Museum

25. Clean the window screens

26. Get Jeans hemmed

27. Pay of student loan

28. Increase savings to goal amount

29. Buy a new car

30. Run Hood to Coast

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Welcome to the Petersen Pumpkin Patch. I created this blog so family and friends could follow our adventures.

Come back often for updates and photos.