Sunday, October 16, 2011

Month 5

**I know this post is almost a month late, but at least the photos were taken at 5 months**

Miss Dylan Lee,

You have grown up so much this past month. You have quickly learned how to sit up and play with your toys. The only downside is you now try to sit up all the time, when you are getting your diaper changed, in your car seat or half asleep. You haven’t quite learned how to go from laying down to sitting but try every day. But have mastered going from sitting to laying down gracefully and no longer quickly fall. Once on your back you’ve learned to get around  by rolling. You are clearing building the foundations for crawling and it’s very exciting.

You’ve adjusted well to day care this past month and always have a smile on your face when I drop you off in the morning and dad picks you up in the afternoon. At first you only wanted to sleep in some one’s arms but now you nap by in your crib all by yourself. We’ve also seen you hug and kiss on your friend Landon, it’s very cute to watch although you are probably too young to be kissing boys :)

You also like to play in your jumperoo, go on walks in your stroller and sit up and splash in the bath.

We went on a short trip to Denver to visit your cousin Grey from her first birthday. 

 Love Mom

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