weight is 13 pounds (95 percentile)
height is 23.5 inches (88 percentile)
head size is 16 inches (90 percentile)
Overall you're a healthy little muchkin, making eye contact and focusing on everything around you. I love watching your curious eyes, seeing your gummy smile and hearing your happy talking noises.
We all had a very busy month, you went on two out of town trips. First to Sunriver over Memorial Day weekend. Where you got to meet many aunts, uncles and cousins on the Petersen's side of the family. Then we traveled down to Southern Oregon to visit your Grandy Amaya and meet other aunts, uncles, and a few 2nd cousins. You also got to meet your Aunt Randee (DeDe) and Cousin Grey when they visited us from Denver. We cant wait until you two are old enough to run around and play together.
I could hold you in my arms and watch to sleep for hours, I still cant believe this special little girl is mine.
Love you,
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