Just hanging out with my special girl, she was being so funny. Dont mind her crazy hair, just a little Budda Butter on her dry head before bath time. Much better now.
And here are some photos, I think we're going to have a thumb sucker.
Happy 2 months old miss Dylan. This past month has gone by so quickly and you've grown to much. You're growing like a weed (a very cute weed) and have been in 3 month old sized clothes for a couple weeks now. We just had your 2 month doctors appointment and found out you're: weight is 13 pounds (95 percentile) height is 23.5 inches (88 percentile) head size is 16 inches (90 percentile) Overall you're a healthy little muchkin, making eye contact and focusing on everything around you. I love watching your curious eyes, seeing your gummy smile and hearing your happy talking noises.
We all had a very busy month, you went on two out of town trips. First to Sunriver over Memorial Day weekend. Where you got to meet many aunts, uncles and cousins on the Petersen's side of the family. Then we traveled down to Southern Oregon to visit your Grandy Amaya and meet other aunts, uncles, and a few 2nd cousins. You also got to meet your Aunt Randee (DeDe) and Cousin Grey when they visited us from Denver. We cant wait until you two are old enough to run around and play together.
I could hold you in my arms and watch to sleep for hours, I still cant believe this special little girl is mine.
We've had a busy last couple weeks. Ben, Dylan and I spend Memorial Day weekend in Sunriver with the Petersen family. Dylan got to meet 8 of her cousins and lots of Aunts and Uncles. It was a quick but fun weekend. And in true Oregon style it snowed Saturday evening. Unfortunately I didn't take many photos but here is one of Dylan napping with Grandpa Dick.
Then we were back home for a couple days when Randee and Grey arrived from Denver to visit. Grey is such a special and happy baby girl.
And last Saturday we went to Case and Marcella's 1st birthday party. These two babies have grown up so quickly. Kate and Jen threw such a fun, kid friendly back yard bbq.
Here's a video of Dylan from the birthday party, it's loud in the background but the wind blowing her hair around was pretty funny.
**Post is about a week late, I'm going to try and write Dylan a letter every month for a year**
Dear Dylan,
It's hard to believe you're already a month old. You entered our lives on April 22nd and changed them forever. You have met so many people your first 4 weeks of life and seem happy with whoever is holding you.
You've already grown so much since we first brought you home from the hospital. No longer fitting into your newborn clothes or diapers. Your hair has also grown and is now sticking straight up at all angles. You no longer like to be swaddled and prefer to sleep in the sleep sack so you can stretch your arms and legs.
You don't seem phased by Ziggy's barking and the vacuum puts you to sleep. Overall you are a very easy baby and we love you more than words can describe.