Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Master Bathroom Remodel

Our master bathroom was the only room not 'upgraded' when we moved into our house almost 4 years ago - is that right - wow time has gone by quickly. We made some quick upgrades a couple years ago, new sink, toilet, floor and paint. But at the time didn't replace the tiny old and dirty shower insert.

I affectionately call this room "Ben's Bathroom" and on average enter the room about once a year. My excuse has always been that we made the upgrades fit the tall one in the house. The sink comes up to my chest and my feet barley skim the ground when sitting on the toilet. But really it's nice to not have to share a bathroom with a boy and the shower was pretty gross. I tried cleaning it a couple times, but had come to the conclusion that it was just old and no amount of bleach scrub was going to make it white again.

So when we started talking about making some improvements to the main/guest bathroom in our house (my bathroom) before the baby comes somehow we ended up focusing on expanding the other bathroom shower first. I guess we thought this would be a quick and easy fix...

Expanded space
Additional plumbing was needed to move some pipes around in order to expand the space. And while they were under the house found a leak under the kitchen sink.
Framed space with backer-board
Ben framed the walls and hung backer-board. And Cliff installed the new shower head pipping very high, to make the tall one happy.

Creepy pink/red goo
  Last weekend Ben painted on this pink/red goo to seal the walls before the tile goes up. Its an eye sore to say the least.

New Tile!!
And now...we finally have tile on the walls (well on part of one wall). It's mostly gray in color with some blue, white and beige accents. Ben has a plan to get it finished next week. Hopefully just before Uncle Kelly comes the following weekend to help fix the other bathroom.

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