Friday, January 14, 2011

Week 28

Lauren from blog With Two Cats used our baby room rug in an office design board today With Two Cats: design board. She had a baby girl, named Violet last year. This post is inspired by her weekly pregnancy update question and answer. I thought it would be fun to answer the same questions she posed at 28 weeks….

Weekly Pregnancy Update:

How far along? 28 Weeks

Stretch marks? Not yet...

Sleep: There are bad nights and not so bad nights. The body pillow has really helped. The Charlie horses are less frequent and not as scary now that I’ve learned not to panic and just work on stretching them out. I usually wake up around 3:30am to use the bathroom and try not to wake the rest of the house up in the process. Ziggy has finally learned that it’s not time to go outside and run around, and if I’m quiet enough the cats will stay asleep in the office and not meow to get let out.

Best moment of the week: Starting our Birthing Class last Thursday. I really like the midwife ‘instructor’ and think it’ll be a great recap after reading the birthing/baby books.

Movement: All over almost all the time. She’s usually still/sleeping from 8am-12pm and then the kicking and punching resumes.

Food cravings: Usually a fruit smoothie or anything with crushed ice.

Gender: Still a girl… I’m assuming.

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? I’ll call it flush, not poking out yet

What I miss: Going running, it would be great to be able to move quickly without pain.

What I'm looking forward to: Our new rocker/glider/recliner chair should be delivered on Friday.

Weekly Wisdom: Going two weeks without doing yoga is not a good thing. I feel stiff all over, tonight is the night from some serious stretching

Milestones: We’re officially in the 3rd trimester, 2/3 of the way done. YAY!!

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